Town Planners Chapter

The Town Planning Chapter is one of the founder chapters of the Architectural Association of Kenya. The chapter brings together over one hundred professionals, dealing with issues pertaining to Town Planning, Urban Management, Regional Planning among others

Scope of Profession

In a nutshell, the planning profession deals with socio-economic activities, within a spatial framework and in relation to human life. The spatial framework can be in form of settlements, villages, Urban centers, Towns or Regions in a global perspective, the professions may address itself to inter-and intra-regional or town relationship in form of socio-economic, cultural or political linkages.


The general objective of Town Planning is to provide harmony and efficiency among the diverse activities within the town or region. Since most of these activities have a direct bearing on “Land” as a resource, the profession aims at attaining the optimum and highest/best use of any piece of land, at any given time. This is channeled through preparation of Zoning Plans, Strategic Plans, Master Plans, etc for towns or regions.

Legal Framework of Training

The legal framework of the Town Planning as a profession is as provided for in the Physical Planning Bill and Physical Planners Registration Bill of 1996. For one to qualify as a Planner, one needs to have an undergraduate training in Town/Urban Planning and a two year working experience, as a Graduate Member of the Town Planners Chapter of Architectural Association of Kenya.

Town Planners Chapter Representatives